Thursday, January 30, 2020

What a Struggle

So for the past few days I have been practicing and practicing, but there is this part i just keep struggling to get it right. It has made me mad and frustrated to where I wanted to break my piano keyboard. But I have to continue to keep trying without giving up, that is the key. I have never struggled so hard in my life until now.

I like how I'm making progress, but as I continue the harder it gets. Learning the piano is easy for some people, seeing my friends play the piano makes me so jealous. They do it so good and it's like they have it memorized. I have asked my mom if she could find me piano lessons so many times. It never happens, it's like she is ignoring it or just doesn't have the time. 

Anyways, I have enjoyed these past couple of days. I have something to do after school, besides doing homework. So don't give up on what you want to start.It takes time and effort to get thing accomplished.

1 comment:

So wasn't expecting this Part 2

I have decided to learn more songs. The easy and slow tutorials are good for beginners. These are songs I have chosen to learn. I have enjoy...